SEO » Search engine optmization » How to manage your I.T. and SEO team to get the best rankings and conversions
How to manage your SEO team to get the best rankings and conversions
We all have t work with I.T. and SEO people, these may be known as a team or department, but this doesn’t matter. But the mistake of so many managers make is to think they are managing people.
Are your people tools?
They think people are their own tools, their stock-in trade. Make the people successful and you have the successful manager…and so the theory goes on and on, right?
Wake up guys, this is only a myth and we need to see that the real role of the manager ( I.T. Managers, SEO Managers, etc. etc.) is to manage processes Rath than people!
Top 10 rankings Google with Conversion rate optimization (CRO)
People can manage themselves if YOU let them. What you need to concentrate on is the real job of management, the most effective SEO or Internet marketing strategy. The team is merely a means to fulfilling that end. If all your people could be replaced by machines, and how many of us haven’t prayed that is might happen? We still have to have the most effective SEO or Internet marketing strategy, and still have to be managing the process of top 10 rankings or better conversions with Conversion rate optimization (CRO) techniques.
Encourage your team
As I.T. Managers, SEO Managers, etc.etc. you need to know how to encourage your team to get the most effective SEO or Internet marketing strategy, Try to feel what they feel, why they come to work, why they give of their best (or worst), what they are afraid of, what they hope and dream for. Encourage them, coach them, give him the resources to do their jobs, manage themselves, oversee their SEO processes and set their strategy for them. Worry about them, be on their side and support them. But we won’t manage them. We will let them manage themselves and we shall concentrate on our real role as manager, called the process of top 10 rankings or better conversions with Conversion rate optimization (CRO) techniques in combination of Effective Link-Building Strategies