Competitor Analysis

SEO » Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis


Website positioning is both an art and a science

Website positioning is both an art and a science, both are quiet complex. All the Internet Marketing skills in the world will not achieve a good result if your website is poor and not relevant to your selected key phrases. Effective Internet marketing planning begins with a thorough analysis of your website. To do this we look at the following characteristics…

Psychology of customer decisions

The psychology of customer decisions will play an important part in your sales and product marketing efforts.

Learn from your competitors

The competitor analysis results are very useful because they teach you on how to improve your web site for search engines but first of all for your visitors. Increase content and the quality of content on your web site.

Competitor Analysis to improve your own web site

Where is your competition on the Internet?

Which competitors are most popular on the Internet?

Which competitors are less popular on the Internet?

How is the link popularity from your website against your competition?

Website Structural Elements

• Load time

• Up time


• Browser compatibility

Website User Elements

• Easy to Navigate

• Easy to Understand

• Easy to Use

• Easy to Return to

• Easy to Refer Others to

• Customer Oriented

• Sticky

• Informative

• Updated Often

• Structurally Consistent

• Functionally Consistent

• Foster a Sense of Trust

• Provide Assurance of the Privacy of the Information

• Be Readable

• Spelling correct

Website Search Engine Readiness

• Meta tags

• Alt tag naming conventions

• Linked to Other Programs

Website Statistics

• Abandonment ratios

• Visitors ratios

• Time trends

Once we have assembled all the information listed above (usually one to two weeks) we meet with you and discuss the results of the report. We make recommendations on how to change your website in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible to achieve your goals.

At JNB Web Promotion we believe that Search Engine Ranking is as much a skill as an art. We offer a comprehensive search engine ranking program which begins with a thorough search engine diagnostic and ends up with you achieving 1e page rankings on at least one of the major search engines (if not more). Convert your business today with a professional Philippine SEO company, philippines seo specialist, web design and seo company called JNB Web Promotion.